Monday, July 31, 2006

Week 4: Booyah, Chilltown.

Two Announcements Before I Blog

1. So sorry I didn't post last night after the broadcast. I had a BB get-together, and I had to take people home, so when I finally got home, I actually forgot. I was just checking my stats now and remembered that I never posted. It'll never happen again, I promise. ;)

2. As of today I am going to stop posting spoilers. I really don't want this to be a spoiler site, and sometimes I even like to be surprised. If anyone was relying on my spoilers (doubtful), you can always go to the BBQ, who posts them in record times.


OK, so to the opinions! Have I mentioned that I love how BB6 is just steam rolling the house right now? It is so exciting for me, you have no idea. I loved Janelle's pink room, as well. Very fitting. But I didn't really see anything special in there for her. Does she have a family? Is she real? Sometimes I wonder if she's just some Big Brother robot, and that will be the twist this year. I can hear it now--"Houseguests, the night isn't over just yet. It is now time to reveal a twist so shocking that it is now two-years in the making. Brace yourself, Kaysar--Janelle Pierzina isn't really from Minnesota. She isn't really from Earth, either. No, not an alien...Janelle is our very own BBRobot2000." Hahaha, I love it. Anyway, way off topic. Where was I? Rewind--Robot, family, steam rolling--ah! That's it! I couldn't be happier to see Season Six in power, and I really wanted to punch Diane last night after she said, "I'd really like to see someone other than Season Six win HoH for once. Is that really so much to ask?" Um, well, trailer trash barbie, if you want to see someone else win, then WIN! I really can't say it's anyone's fault but your own and the rest of the other houseguests for not winning. It's not like America is voting or something. But even then, BB6 would be in power...

I'm going to skip over the fillers (honestly, Janelle and Will? you know Big Brother was scraping for clips when they made that filler) and go straight to the nomination controversy. First of all, I cannot believe how manipulative Chilltown is. If Janelle was honestly planning on going through with their plan, I could seriously consider finding a new favorite girl (you know I'm kidding, Janey, I love you). But really, Will and Boogie are constantly scheming against BB6, but somehow convince Janelle what good nominations are?! Ugh, I hate them! I never thought I'd say this, but James is the smartest Sov right now. Is he the only sane one? I mean, I know he nominated George last week, but at least he now knows nomination floaters is stupid. Anyway, I'm so relieved that Janelle changed her mind and nominated Boogie and Erika. Now, we all just have to pray that Boogie actually follows through with his whole "throw competitions" strategy, and gets voted out. Thursday couldn't come any sooner...

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Week 4: POV Competition **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

Mike Boogie won the POV.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Week 4: Nominations **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

Mike and Erika have been nominated.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Week 3: BB6 Rules

Note: Unfortunately, my screen cap source has no caps of the live broadcast. I will be using previous live feed caps in their place tonight.

Why didn't we get to see Jase's improv Veto speech last Tuesday? It was kind of untimely to show it tonight, but I guess I'll take what I can get. At least CBS isn't hiding everything from us. Anyway, his damage control after asking to be evicted was hardly convincing, so I was shocked to see BB6 shake on a deal. I was also surprised to still see everyone so gung-ho about this whole "nominate floaters" plan. Why do they all think it is to genius? It's stupid! Will is going to freaking massacre the entire house if they don't evict him, but somehow they think they need to get out Chicken George? Don't get me wrong, I still want BB6 in power, but I think they are being complete idiots right now. If they don't see Chilltown's plan, they are blind. Plain and simple.

I have to say I was surprised to hear Jase was evicted with a 9-0 vote. I thought he'd at least get Diane's vote, but she didn't even throw him a sympathy card. I was sad to see him out of the house, especially under these conditions, but I guess we can all be happy for him to be going home to his girls. (I am sounding so sappy, I can't believe it.) Anyway, I completely forget about eviction once the HoH Comp starts. I love those, I swear. At the start, I had a feeling BB6 was going to win. I don't know why, but I just get these gut feelings of who will win, whether I want them to or not. But then Will took Howie out, and I have to say I got a little worried. Even though Howie would be a terrible HoH (remember last season? Janelle wouldn't let him be alone, for fear that he would align with Maggie), I'd rather have him upstairs than Chilltown. When it came down to Janelle and Marcellas, I honestly thought he would win, but she prevailed and kept BB6 in power for a fourth week. Have I mentioned I love Season Six?

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Week 3: In Yo Face, James!

Should I start with the fillers? I think they were fabulous enough to earn first paragraph. First of all, Marcellas is the first person I have found that has the same feelings for Kaysar as I do. We should have some sort of tri-marriage and ride off into the sunset on a white horse. Quote of the Night: "There's the Iraqi peach." -Marcellas. I feel the same way, Marcellas, I feel the same way. Second of all, I love Jase's mirror face. Did I mention I'm feeling a connection with the houseguests this year? I do the same exact thing in front of the mirror. Pucker the lips, look from side to side, and walk away. Loves it.

As for the whole veto competition situation? I think James' whole "make the floaters take a stand" idea is the worst strategy in the history of Big Brother. But he's HoH, and unfortunately there's nothing we can do about it. Oh, wait! Yes, we can! Because George is a badass, and he won the Power of Veto. I've never been so happy to see Kaysar lose a competition. Of course, I'm not sure I would have prayed so hard to see Georgie win if I would have known about Jase's temper tantrum (wait, yes I would). Did anyone expect that? I'm not sure it was such a good idea to flip out like that, but I can understand where he's coming from. I know he feels like getting back-doored is like not getting a chance to fight, but he had a chance at veto, and if he really wanted safety, he should have fought for it. And as for Will's crazy veto speech? I am seriously falling in love with this guy. He is so insanely evil. Part of me wants him to survive Thursday. DidIjustsaythat? Dum, dum, dum...

Monday, July 24, 2006

Week 3: POV Ceremony **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

George took himself off of the block, and was replaced with Jase.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Week 3: Poor George

I was excited last week after James won HoH, but now not so much. I forgot how he likes to drop alliances once he finds better ones. So much for that whole "hands-in for season 6" moment on Thursday night. I should've known Will would approach James and he would blindly agree to something. All I can hope for is that he honors BB6 by keeping them safe, just as they did for the past two weeks. He said, "They dropped me last year, and they'll do it again this year." Um, James, you dropped them first, and then they won HoH. What did you expect? Were they supposed to conveniently forget how you made other deals? He's digging his own grave, just like last year. You'd really think he'd learn after having to rely on POV for some many weeks last season.

It was actually exciting for me to see the food competition clip. Even I was starting to feel sick over the slop. I can't even get myself to finish one bowl of oatmeal, I can't imagine having to eat it three times a day. But I felt like all that was missing from the competition was Bob Barker. Seriously, I think I've seen that game on The Price Is Right. It was so amusing to see how seriously everyone took the game, too. Nobody was kidding about the food situation. I loved it. And how about George? I didn't even laugh, I just felt bad. That old guy is so adorable. I love him! I can't blame him for collapsing at the end, either. I think Pennsylvania is hot this time of year, I can't even imagine California. Anyway, I don't think anyone was surprised that they won great food for the whole week. The competition looked easy as shit, and it was almost impossible not to get at least Kumquats. Mmm, I love those! (Right, like I even know what the hell they are.)

And then nominations... Gosh, have I mentioned I think James is stupid? Ouu, George listened in on a conversation! Shocking! It may be the sneakiest thing to be done in that house! I mean, so much worse than Boogie's integrity-compromising loyalty to Dr. Will. And have I mentioned I think he is the evilest man alive? I hate him so much, I love him. Really, his sneaky snake tactics are really starting to impress me. Don't get me wrong, I want him out of the house ASAP, but there is just something so appealing about him. Maybe it's just me? Probably. All I have to say is, I want Georgie to win this Veto and show James and Chilltown who's boss. ;)

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Week 3: POV Competition **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

Chicken George has won the POV.

Friday, July 21, 2006

Week 3: Nominations **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

Will and George have been nominated.

Thursday, July 20, 2006

Week 2: BB6 Rules

What a filler episode. Honestly. I almost regret tuning in. Oh, well. Most of uninformed America learned about the Mr. & Mrs. Smith Alliance tonight. I'm surprised attention-seeker Toni Ferrari wasn't on to talk about she and Diane's falling out, but then again, I think reality TV is finally fed up with her. But if Jase and Diane are really working together, I have to give them both mad props for keeping it on the DL. BB had absolutely no footage of the two of them talking game. They must communicate through some odd blinking language. Yet, somehow I am still convinced that they are together, especially after the adorable "Exhibit" montage tonight. And after Nakomis was evicted, I must add the attached photo as Exhibit D. Jase was smirking obviously after learning that Diane was safe, and then said, "thank you," to Erika. What this means, we may never know, but I'm not buying that they're on their own.

Which brings me to the HoH competition. I honestly had no faith in BB6 at the beginning, especially when Howie got out on the first question. But James prevailed in the end and took the title. I'm not sure how to feel about this one. He's a BB6-er, but he's betrayed the Sovs in the past, so what's stopping him now? I want to be happy and celebrate, but I'm weary. Hopefully he'll be smart and nominate Chilltown. It would definitly be in his best interest, and we all know how James likes do things that are in his best interest. Well, I know I'll be biting my fingers for the next 15 hours or so, and for my spoiler readers: come back tomorrow evening to see who James nominates.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Week 2: Boogie's B-Day

So, why is everyone so shocked that Kaysar nominated Diane and Nakomis? Will wants out of the house before sequester, and has Boogie won anything, yet? Chilltown is only a threat if they win a competition, and the chances of that happening are slim. If Will is serious about trying to get out of the game before sequester, then why is anyone worried about him? He obviously doesn't take the game that seriously, and once he's gone, what is Boogie going to do? He's nothing without his other half. I honestly think that it was in Kaysar's best interest to nominate the girls. Nakomis is a good player, and all Diane wants to do is break up BB6. Chilltown is all talk, no action.

The Power of Veto Competition couldn't have been more stupid. It was apparently impossible to put less than two balls in your cylinder unless you were Erika. I was personally hoping to see one of the nominees win, just to see what Kaysar would have done. Even though I think his nominees were good choices, I'm worried about BB6 feeling betrayed, so I wouldn't have minded seeing him put up Will or Boogie just to make them feel better. But Erika went all prodigy on the house and won the competition.

So, about Boogie's birthday... Have I mentioned I hate Chilltown? And I hate how the entire house gangs up on Season Six. I don't want to hate everyone, but when they all gather around the hot tub on a nightly basis to bash BB6, it gets old. And who in the hell does Will think he is? And why does everyone else back him up? Kaysar is HoH! These are his nominations, not the house's. Why does Will think he can call Kaysar out and request a change in nominees? It was a strategic decision, not a random one! Just because somebody claims they want to go up, doesn't mean the HoH wants to put them up. And this is precisely the reason why I love Erika for not using the Power of Veto.

Monday, July 17, 2006

Week 2: POV Ceremony **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

Erika did not use the Power of Veto.

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Week 2: Jedi George

First of all, Sundays aren't working out for me. It's too far away from the last HoH. I was sure we'd have known more by now, but this episode greeted us with an HoH flashback. And apparently it was stupid of the BB6-ers to congratulate Kaysar on his win. Um, had they not, would no one have ever suspected an alliance? I don't think so. In fact, everyone has already been assuming they were together, so why shouldn't they celebrate? When everyone makes assumptions anyway, there's no point in trying to hide anything. So, Diane, shutthehellup!

And I can't believe I actually forgot how full of shit Erika is. Is she serious about this whole "I have a crush on Kaysar" thing? Oh, and the tears! The tears! Give it up, Erika! If Kaysar is seriously falling for her bullshit, I don't even know what to think anymore. Erika is pissed that Ali screwed her in BB4, and BB7 is her chance at finally winning. Ughhh, don't fall for it, Kaysar!

OK, so for FILLER FUN! 1) Dr. Will and his quest to be humorous. Quote of the Day: "It must be weird to be the fat guy this season." -Will to Howie. I love Howie, but that was hilarious. Although, I started to feel bad for him as Will kept making fun of him and his wrinkles. A slip 'n slide for fleas? Oh, Will... 2) Jedi George? I love it, I love it, I love it. He and Howie are beyond hilarious. If I could choose anyone in that house to be one of Howie's Jedi apprentices, it would be George, hands down.

Oh, and nominations? Not surprised. In fact, I predicted those two. Diane, all you ever talk about is breaking up BB6, and Nakomis you are a loose cannon. Period.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Week 2: POV Comp **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

Erika won the Power of Veto.

Week 2: Nominations **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

Diane and Nakomis have been nominated.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

Week 1: What Up, Kay-sar?!

Ah, the first eviction! Danielle vs. Alison. All I have to say is: it's a win-win situation. If Danielle goes, there's no risk of her using her ultra-manipulation skills to turn the house against the BB6-ers. If Alison goes, there's one less idiot in the house. But honestly, as much as I hate seeing Alison's face, it would really be best for Danielle to go. Honestly, Alison was stupid enough to tell James, a BB6 HG, that she wanted Janelle, Kaysar, Howie, and Erika out of the house. Mmmk, nice game move. Apparently she thinks that she is the only person capable of lying in this house.

And can we talk about how adorable Julie Chen looked tonight? The Chenbot never fails to amaze me with her clothing choices. I'm loving the V-shirt and pleather pants. And damn, it's times like these I wish I had one of those permanent Asian tans. I do believe Julie Chen is a fashion icon. (Although, I'm sure plenty of you would beg to differ. Comment, already!) Needless to say, I love the Chen.

And with a vote of 8-2, Alison has been evicted from the Big Brother household. Surprising, yet somewhat of a relief. She needed to go sooner or later, so why not sooner rather than later? I have to admit, I was a bit worried about Danielle remaining in the house, but WHAT UP, KAYSAR?! went and won the HoH Competition Alison Rules. I don't think anybody understands the relief and happiness I felt when he beat out Nakomis. I think BB6 may have taken over this house...

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Week 1: Go Jedi Janey: Part 2

The second installment of Big Brother All Stars was introduced with a little pitty party for Danielle. The poor darling is experience her first nomination--ever. It's hard for me to feel sorry for her, seeing as the cause of this joyous occasion was her aggressive gameplay. One thing I really hate in Big Brother are the "lead packers" (i.e. usually the first people gone; they stir up drama the first day in the house). Alison and Danielle equal lead packers. Oh, and lying bitches (sorry, I really had to go there). And how about Ali calling Janelle busto? Is she kidding? Alison may think her weight loss is sexy, but I personally think she looks like a junkie.

I have to wonder if anyone else was amused as I was at this episode's "fillers" (i.e. parts of a BB episode that don't really relate to the game, but are used as entertainment) as I was? Howie's love affair with Dr. Will is beyond bizarre, its disturbing. But hey!, its great television! I loved when Will said, "Howie and I have one thing in common--we're both attracted to me." I'm not sure if the humor in that statement outweighs the sad, sad truth behind it.

And how about Chicken George? I have to ask: what is wrong with him? He's old and adorable, but is he senile, as well? How doesn't he know where the DR is by now? No matter how much he baffles me, things such as his "Slip 'N Slide" stunt make up for all of it. Aaaannndd...ishowiegay?

Back to the game--I think its funny how these people think that they can knock out season 6. As if Diane doesn't gross me out enough, she has to go and put on her bug-eye bifocals and say things like, "How do you break that team up?" Hmm, well let's see--their season is in the majority and Janelle already won the first HoH. I don't know about you, Dirty Diane, but I'm not sure that's happening. But you go ahead and act like you're a good player. Shock me and win a competition, why don't ya?

So finally, the only actual important part of the episode: the veto competition. One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Veto. I'm just going to go ahead and create a Quote of the Day: "There's more garbage back there than probably in Nakomis' backyard, or in Diane's trailer where she lives." --Jase. And I thought that literally made my night--until Janelle won veto. And left those two drama queens on the block. Have I mentioned I love this season?

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Week 1: POV Ceremony **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

Janelle did not use the power of veto. The nominations remain the same.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Week 1: Veto Competition Over **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

Janelle is the winner of the POV Competition.

Week 1: Veto Competitors **SPOILER**


Straight from the BBQ...

The players are Janelle, Jase, Alison, Danielle, Kaysar, and George.

Week 1: Veto Twist **SPOILER**


The new Veto is a random draw for who the HoH and nominees have as their partner, so no one can be backdoored with a six-finger plan.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Week 1: Go Jedi Janey!

The long-awaited first episode of Big Brother All Stars aired tonight, just two hours ago, and it was packed tight with more drama than I anticipated. Usually the first episode is so boring, but the all stars got into the game immediately.

As you can see from the picture to the left, Janelle and Jase won HoH. If you are so uninformed as to be confused right now, the first twist is that there are two HoH. My opinion? It'll definitly heat up the game, but I'm not big on twists, so I'm not really excited over this one. Basically, the two HoH have to agree on two nominees, or they are nominated. Ouuu, shock me shock me shock me with those lame twists, Julie Chen! I think this one will confuse more people than shake them up. But we'll see how it all unravels.

Danielle thought she'd put her devil horns on early and try to stir things up by "leaking" information to Alison and Chicken George. George was smart enough to ignore her idiocy, but Alison had to go and try to save her ass. Nice move, "hottie." It only drove your ass into the nomination seat, right beside Danielle. Now, we just have to pray someone from BB6 wins veto, and Danielle's ghetto booty gets booted first.


Who: Kayla

What: BB7 Review Column Blog

When: From the first episode of BB All Stars to the last

Where: Pennsylvania

Why: To review the happenings of Big Brother All Stars.


Let's Get Down To Business

Basically, the point of this blog is to review Big Brother All Stars, and express my opinions. This is not a spoiler site (although, I will post spoilers as I find them, and give forewarning for those that do not want to read them), a live feed updater (I stopped paying for live feeds after BB5), or a fansite. I will express my opinions after episodes have been aired, and post selective caps from that episode. I will be getting my spoiler information from Reality BBQ, and my screen caps from Big Brother Screen Caps.


A Little History

I have been watching Big Brother religiously since BB3, but casually watched BB1, and missed season 2 all together. During season 3, I was a Danielle and Jason fan. During season 4, I had an odd Robert obsession, and loved to watch Jun eat sandwiches on the live feeds. During season 5, I hated Scott, and loved the twins. And during season 6, I was a loyal Kaysar fan from the beginning. I have always been a Sovereign 6 supporter. This season, I am rooting for the BB6 cast.