Week 4: Booyah, Chilltown.
1. So sorry I didn't post last night after the broadcast. I had a BB get-together, and I had to take people home, so when I finally got home, I actually forgot. I was just checking my stats now and remembered that I never posted. It'll never happen again, I promise. ;)
2. As of today I am going to stop posting spoilers. I really don't want this to be a spoiler site, and sometimes I even like to be surprised. If anyone was relying on my spoilers (doubtful), you can always go to the BBQ, who posts them in record times.
OK, so to the opinions! Have I mentioned that I love how BB6 is just steam rolling the house right now? It is so exciting for me, you have no idea. I loved Janelle's pink room, as well. Very fitting. But I didn't really see anything special in there for her. Does she have a family? Is she real? Sometimes I wonder if she's just some Big Brother robot, and that will be the twist this year. I can hear it now--"Houseguests, the night isn't over just yet. It is now time to reveal a twist so shocking that it is now two-years in the making. Brace yourself, Kaysar--Janelle Pierzina isn't really from Minnesota. She isn't really from Earth, either. No, not an alien...Janelle is our very own BBRobot2000." Hahaha, I love it. Anyway, way off topic. Where was I? Rewind--Robot, family, steam rolling--ah! That's it! I couldn't be happier to see Season Six in power, and I really wanted to punch Diane last night after she said, "I'd really like to see someone other than Season Six win HoH for once. Is that really so much to ask?" Um, well, trailer trash barbie, if you want to see someone else win, then WIN! I really can't say it's anyone's fault but your own and the rest of the other houseguests for not winning. It's not like America is voting or something. But even then, BB6 would be in power...
I'm going to skip over the fillers (honestly, Janelle and Will? you know Big Brother was scraping for clips when they made that filler) and go straight to the nomination controversy. First of all, I cannot believe how manipulative Chilltown is. If Janelle was honestly planning on going through with their plan, I could seriously consider finding a new favorite girl (you know I'm kidding, Janey, I love you). But really, Will and Boogie are constantly scheming against BB6, but somehow convince Janelle what good nominations are?! Ugh, I hate them! I never thought I'd say this, but James is the smartest Sov right now. Is he the only sane one? I mean, I know he nominated George last week, but at least he now knows nomination floaters is stupid. Anyway, I'm so relieved that Janelle changed her mind and nominated Boogie and Erika. Now, we all just have to pray that Boogie actually follows through with his whole "throw competitions" strategy, and gets voted out. Thursday couldn't come any sooner...