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Week 2: Jedi George

First of all, Sundays aren't working out for me. It's too far away from the last HoH. I was sure we'd have known more by now, but this episode greeted us with an HoH flashback. And apparently it was stupid of the BB6-ers to congratulate Kaysar on his win. Um, had they not, would no one have ever suspected an alliance? I don't think so. In fact, everyone has already been assuming they were together, so why shouldn't they celebrate? When everyone makes assumptions anyway, there's no point in trying to hide anything. So, Diane, shutthehellup!

And I can't believe I actually forgot how full of shit Erika is. Is she serious about this whole "I have a crush on Kaysar" thing? Oh, and the tears! The tears! Give it up, Erika! If Kaysar is seriously falling for her bullshit, I don't even know what to think anymore. Erika is pissed that Ali screwed her in BB4, and BB7 is her chance at finally winning. Ughhh, don't fall for it, Kaysar!

OK, so for FILLER FUN! 1) Dr. Will and his quest to be humorous. Quote of the Day: "It must be weird to be the fat guy this season." -Will to Howie. I love Howie, but that was hilarious. Although, I started to feel bad for him as Will kept making fun of him and his wrinkles. A slip 'n slide for fleas? Oh, Will... 2) Jedi George? I love it, I love it, I love it. He and Howie are beyond hilarious. If I could choose anyone in that house to be one of Howie's Jedi apprentices, it would be George, hands down.

Oh, and nominations? Not surprised. In fact, I predicted those two. Diane, all you ever talk about is breaking up BB6, and Nakomis you are a loose cannon. Period.