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Week 3: BB6 Rules

Note: Unfortunately, my screen cap source has no caps of the live broadcast. I will be using previous live feed caps in their place tonight.

Why didn't we get to see Jase's improv Veto speech last Tuesday? It was kind of untimely to show it tonight, but I guess I'll take what I can get. At least CBS isn't hiding everything from us. Anyway, his damage control after asking to be evicted was hardly convincing, so I was shocked to see BB6 shake on a deal. I was also surprised to still see everyone so gung-ho about this whole "nominate floaters" plan. Why do they all think it is to genius? It's stupid! Will is going to freaking massacre the entire house if they don't evict him, but somehow they think they need to get out Chicken George? Don't get me wrong, I still want BB6 in power, but I think they are being complete idiots right now. If they don't see Chilltown's plan, they are blind. Plain and simple.

I have to say I was surprised to hear Jase was evicted with a 9-0 vote. I thought he'd at least get Diane's vote, but she didn't even throw him a sympathy card. I was sad to see him out of the house, especially under these conditions, but I guess we can all be happy for him to be going home to his girls. (I am sounding so sappy, I can't believe it.) Anyway, I completely forget about eviction once the HoH Comp starts. I love those, I swear. At the start, I had a feeling BB6 was going to win. I don't know why, but I just get these gut feelings of who will win, whether I want them to or not. But then Will took Howie out, and I have to say I got a little worried. Even though Howie would be a terrible HoH (remember last season? Janelle wouldn't let him be alone, for fear that he would align with Maggie), I'd rather have him upstairs than Chilltown. When it came down to Janelle and Marcellas, I honestly thought he would win, but she prevailed and kept BB6 in power for a fourth week. Have I mentioned I love Season Six?

i actually don't have much to say about last nights show except that i am glad that BB6 is still in power, and i hope that they don't fuck it up this week, and i knew from the begining of the season that the words on the wall were going to play some part in the show eventually. But also from the talks of Jase and some others last night, there seems to be some type of twist comming up soon... One would hope, cause these little changes just aren't cutting it. First the two HOH's, they should have kept that in place till about the final fourish, then the POV wheel, that didn't last long before being replaced by the bag with balls in it with names and your choice. Come on BB you have done so well with twist in the past, what has happend this year, ESPECIALLY BEING "ALL-STARS"

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