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Week 9: Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy??!!

I'm so depressed, I don't even feeling like writing about this episode. How can I talk about my feelings for the entire show when we all know where it's leading? Let's just throw it out there. Get it over with. Janelle was evicted. I'm just going to start out by saying, too bad so sad. I'm not going to say the second competition was unfair, or that BB is rigged and loves Boogie. I'm not a conspiracy theorist. I think he's lucky. That's it. And I think it sucks if he takes the money, because he doesn't deserve it. Period. This final two is the lamest I've ever seen. Lamer than Ivette and Maggie. I don't care what anybody says, the fact that they are both there does not make them good players. They don't deserve it. I'm just so upset about this. Janelle shouldn't have gone out third. She shouldn't have. No if's, and's, or but's. And this isn't a Janelle fan talking, it's a Big Brother expert. She deserves that money. And I don't think Erika or Boogie deserve her vote. Maybe I sound a little harsh and upset right now, but it just shouldn't have happened this way. And I can't even sit here and say, "But I gotta give it to them, they made it to the final two and she didn't." I can't even say that, because she didn't deserve to leave. And neither of them are all-stars. A real all star should have won this game. If Will won it, I would be OK. If Kaysar won it, I would be OK. If Janelle won it, I would be OK. If Danielle won it, I would be OK. It's not even about being a fan here, it's about who is a real all-star, and neither Erika nor Boogie fit that description. End of story.

Well Said!!!!!!! And oh....so....true!!!! Im watching live feed and it is sickening listening to Erika and Boogie. I think its time to cancel my Superpass. Just once it would be nice to see someone with Integrity win the Game. Someone who is Worthy. Hey Kayseeer.
Soooo, looking forward to BB 8 !
Fingers crossed.

i hear people are sending dollar bills to cbs with janelle posted on the envelopes. this is jus such a good deal, this will show all the other house guests no one beats americas choice no matter how the jury vote

oh well. I'm middle of the road about Boogie being there. Certainly don't think Erika should be. But I'll just sit back and wait for BB8!

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