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Week 5: Who Wants It Most?

It was painful to watch all of the ignorant houseguests after nominations. I honestly cannot understand how anyone could buy James' bad acting and Danielle's "betrayal." It was actually kind of fun to watch Marcellas celebrating with Danielle in the HoH room, though. Because, as much as Danielle's stupid plan annoys me, Marcellas annoys me probably 20 times more than that, so it's nice to see him in the dark. But I'm mostly shocked by Janelle's stupidity. I know I said this Sunday, but she did the same thing last week that Danielle is doing this week. Don't you think she'd catch on a little faster? I mean, I know she has suspicions, but what she needs to do is confront James just like he did to her last week, and interrogate his ass. God, I would love that...

To the veto competition. I still can't believe Janelle hasn't noticed that Marcellas hates her. I feel bad, actually. He's such a little snake, I can't stand him, and of course I was pissed when she chose him to play. Even without Kaysar or Howie's word, she would have been better off with them on her side. The competition itself was my favorite kind--the person that wants to win will win. You can't complain when you don't win, because it was ultimately up to you. I wasn't surprised Will gave up 40 points for the 5k, and I would have been shocked if James didn't take the phone call from home. And of course Marcellas took the slop pass; did he ever get over the fact that he gave his other one to Georgie? I wasn't surprised Janelle did everything in her power to win the veto; no one can be mad at her for that. She wouldn't be a good player if she didn't. Oh, and did I mention how satisfying it was to see Danielle all torn up in solitary confinement? She needs to realize that these are her nominations, and nobody is in charge of keeping them intact but her.

I wish the house could have convinced Danielle to nominate Marcellas. I really do... But it's about time someone stirred things up in this house. I just wish it didn't have to happen via Kaysar's eviction. I'm just crossing my fingers something crazy happens and James is evicted. If anyone in that house had half of a brain, they would realize that although Kaysar has more loyalty to Season Six, he's a pretty shitty player. It's an unfortunate thing to have to admit, but he is too trusting, and he makes bad decisions. James, on the other hand, is an incredibly threat. He may not care about Howie and Janelle, but he does care about winning. And he is an awesome competitor. I can't stand even to look at him, but he is a better player than Kaysar, and he really should be the one getting evicted on Thursday.

I want Kaysar's baby!

Anyways, the house is full of retards this season. If they don't take this opportunity to oust James now then they're done. And I know Danielle felt like a total anal canal when Janelle got that veto.

so the house has gone crazy again, you need to go to bbq to see videos of the house guest getting scared shitless, mainly eirka, janelle and boogie, but it is funny as hell

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