Week 6: Bad Actor of the Year
Good Lord, James calls himself Act of the Year? I beg to differ. I had been wondering all week how Janelle found out James' secret, and it was all hidden in that damn Veto Competition. A monkey could have figured out that James was throwing it. He should have pretended he was making an effort, and just ran full force to inevitably drop the drink. But he is an idiot. Plain and simple. Anyway, I love this "returning houseguests" week. Although, everytime I see Scott Long I think of his audition for the Surreal Life, and I am consequently grossed out. I will never be able to get the picture of his skid marked underwear out of my head for as long as I live. It was nice to see April, even if I hated her last year. She was a good sport. I didn't watch Hardy's season, but I've seen numerous black and white flashbacks of him, and he is of course delicious. And how about Jack? I love the guy, but I hate Erika. Haha. I just wanted to put that out there. Anyway, I was pissed Danielle won. All she did was stand there and right numbers down. It just wasn't fair.
Danielle of course took herself off of the block, and Janelle had to put someone up in her place. What she should have done was nominate James and reveal to him and the rest of the house that she knew about his betrayal. But what she did was nominate Marcellas. Surprised? Not really. Disappointed? A little. I really wanted to see James go up, but he probably wouldn't have been voted out anyway, so Marci is the next best, I guess. I'd rather see him survive, since he can't win shit and all he does it lounge in his robe and talk shit. But whoever goes, I'll be happy.